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LAG Ovtar Slovenskih goric

The Local Action Group (LAG Ovtar) is one of 37 local action groups in Slovenia that bring together local stakeholders to promote local development.

LAG Ovtar Slovenskih goric connects 10 municipalities and other legal and natural persons from the LAG area who have a common interest in merging in order to promote comprehensive and balanced development of local areas, fight poverty and discrimination, reduce regional development disparities and economic development of the local area. Their goal is also to contribute to nature conservation, environmental protection, cultural heritage, cultural landscape and its elements.

The realization of these goals is implemented by the LAG Ovtar through a community-led approach to local development (CLLD - Community-Led Local Development approach), and in the programming period 2014-2020, according to the Local Development Strategy, it includes two funds:

  • European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), under the responsibility of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food.
  • European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), under the responsibility of the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology.

EAFRD and ERDF funds are intended to co-finance the costs incurred in the implementation of LAG Ovtar operations or local actors, the results of which contribute to the achievement of the objectives set in the Local Development Strategy. Finance means from these funds are eligible only for projects taking place in the area of ​​LAG Ovtar.  

For the implementation of activities that take place outside its territorial area, the LAG Ovtar can also apply in special tenders for co-financing of cooperation projects of local action groups. The last such call, where the LAG Ovtar submitted 8 projects with various current topics, lasted until the end of February 2020.


LAG Ovtar has an interest in exchanging international experiences, success stories and good practices, which could mean a positive contribution and encouragement for rural development both at home and abroad. LAG Ovtar regularly applies for tenders for co-financing LAG cooperation projects, which are an instrument through which international networking and cooperation between LAGs from different European countries is enabled, as partnerships of local action groups with similar characteristics can be formed for the purpose of joint operations.

Until the end of 2020, activities are underway in such a cooperation project with the LAG Vulkanland from the Republic of Austria, and in future cooperation projects we are also in interaction with LAGs from Croatia and Romania.

All operational and administrative tasks for the LAG Ovtar Slovenskih goric are performed by the Development Agency Slovenske gorice, which is the leading partner of the LAG Ovtar.


E-mail:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone: +386 51 660 865 or +386 59 128 773

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